Liberty Baptist Church




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Dec 13, 2015

Because of Bethlehem

Because of Bethlehem

Passage: Micah 5:2-7:20

Preacher: Derrick McCarson

Series: Christmas 2015


Ralph Sockman once said, The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable. Have you ever stopped to ask the question, Why Bethlehem? Of all the places God chose to send His Son, why did He select this blip on the map? Wouldnt it made more sense for Jesus to be born somewhere where the world would notice"like Rome, the place where all roads led. Certainly, an omnipotent God could have been born anywhere He pleased"why Bethlehem? In this message, let me suggest four reasons for Bethlehem and what this little town teaches us about the larger message of Christmas.