Liberty Baptist Church




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Jan 10, 2016

Church--Why Bother?

Church--Why Bother?

Passage: Ephesians 2:19-22

Preacher: Derrick McCarson

Series: Sit, Walk, Stand: An Exposition of Ephesians


In our culture there are many mistaken notions of what the church is all about. Some see the church as a gas station; a place to 'get their spiritual tank' filled for another week or two. Some see the church as a 'big box retailer,' where they consume the products that the church has to offer. Others see the church as a movie theater; its a venue for escape and spiritual entertainment. However, the Bible calls us to view the church as God sees it--the building, body and bride of Christ. In this challenging message we will explore Paul's understanding of what the church is really about.