Liberty Baptist Church




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May 11, 2014

Jachobed: The Mother of Moses

Jachobed: The Mother of Moses

Passage: Exodus 2:1-11

Preacher: Derrick McCarson

Series: Mother's Day 2014


Her name was Jacobed, the mother of Moses. She gave birth to her son in the ghetto of Goshen, under the cruel taskmasters of the Egyptians. Moses, the future deliverer of Israel, entered the world as Hebrew slave ruled by an anti-Semetic despot, no less diabolical than Hitler. When Moses came kicking and screaming into the world, Jacobed was forced to make some drastic decisions that no mother should ever have to make. How would she ensure the life of her son in a world that wanted him dead? Her testimony stands out in the Scriptures as one of the remarkable women God used to accomplish His plan.