Liberty Baptist Church




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Mar 06, 2016

Spiritual Reboot

Spiritual Reboot

Passage: Ephesians 4:25-32

Preacher: Derrick McCarson

Series: Sit, Walk, Stand: An Exposition of Ephesians


How convenient it would be if we had a way to press control + alt + delete and get a reboot in life. God didnt design life with reboot button, but He did promise to give us a new nature upon receiving Christ. As we cooperate with the Holy Spirit, He gradually expunges old habits and sins from our lives, so that over time we can see a spiritual reboot where we begin to think, talk and act differently. This reboot is called sanctification"out with the old life and in with the new. This is what Paul has been talking about in the Ephesians since verse 4:17. In continuing with this theme of new life, Paul expounds upon four areas in our lives where a spiritual reboot is needed so that we can be transformed, filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit.