Liberty Baptist Church




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May 22, 2016

Suiting Up for Battle!

Suiting Up for Battle!

Passage: Ephesians 6:14-17

Preacher: Derrick McCarson

Series: Sit, Walk, Stand: An Exposition of Ephesians


Look across the battlefield of life and youll see the Christian casualties strewn about no-mans-land because they failed to suit-up for battle. The armor is still in the barracks. This is the reason for Pauls admonishment in the last section of Ephesians. He wants us to be prepared for the fight of our lives as he helps us understand the high stakes of spiritual warfare. Every day we are in Satans crosshairs, but we are not helpless. Even though our foe is mighty we have all the necessary tools on hand to resist temptation and make a bold stand for Christ. In this classic passage Paul lists the various parts of the Christian soldiers armor and arsenal.