Liberty Baptist Church



Judges: Defeat and Deliverance
Judges: Defeat and Deliverance

The book of Judges covers a chaotic 350-year period in Israel's history where "there was no king in the land and everyone did what was right in their own eyes." The people would sin, fall into slavery, cry out to God and then He would raise up a judge to deliver them from their oppressors. Wash, rinse, repeat. In this series we will study this incredible book and see how time and time again God was faithful to rescue His people and how He still does this today. 

American Christians and the Afghanistan Crisis
American Christians and the Afghanistan Crisis

In August 2021 the world watched a massive tragedy unfold in Afghanistan as US forces pulled out of that country. In the place of that power vacuum, the wicked Taliban regime swooped in to fill the void in a matter of days. Adding to the suffering is the inevitable torture and martyrdom that will befall the Afghan church. In the swirl of emotions, many believers have prayed, “God what can we do for our Christian brothers and sisters left to the slaughter in Afghanistan? Lord, how are we to respond to this crisis?” This message is a response to that crisis and four actions we can take. 

Judges: Defeat and Deliverance
Judges: Defeat and Deliverance

The book of Judges covers a chaotic 350-year period in Israel's history where "there was no king in the land and everyone did what was right in their own eyes." The people would sin, fall into slavery, cry out to God and then He would raise up a judge to deliver them from their oppressors. Wash, rinse, repeat. In this series we will study this incredible book and see how time and time again God was faithful to rescue His people and how He still does this today. 

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