Apr 29, 2012
Last Days Survival Guide
In these days of global terrorism, natural disasters and political instability the question that seems to be on everyone's mind is "When will the world end?" The doomsday prophets are shouting louder now more than ever, heralding that Armageddon is just around the corner. Before we get caught up in headline hysteria we need to turn to the Bible and see what God says will happen in the future. This series is an deep study of Matthew 24-25, known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus' prophetic sermon on the end-times and His second coming. These messages will give you a clear understanding of Biblical prophecy so that you are not left behind.
Galatians: Called to Freedom
The Gospel is a message of liberty and freedom in Christ. Not only has Christ freed us from the bondage of sin, but also the shackles of man-made religion. This study is a verse-by-verse exposition of Paul's declaration of independence to Christendom.
Apr 29, 2012
Sharing the Gospel Without Regret
Last Days Survival Guide
In these days of global terrorism, natural disasters and political instability the question that seems to be on everyone's mind is "When will the world end?" The doomsday prophets are shouting louder now more than ever, heralding that Armageddon is just around the corner. Before we get caught up in headline hysteria we need to turn to the Bible and see what God says will happen in the future. This series is an deep study of Matthew 24-25, known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus' prophetic sermon on the end-times and His second coming. These messages will give you a clear understanding of Biblical prophecy so that you are not left behind.
Apr 22, 2012
The Reign of the Antichrist
Galatians: Called to Freedom
The Gospel is a message of liberty and freedom in Christ. Not only has Christ freed us from the bondage of sin, but also the shackles of man-made religion. This study is a verse-by-verse exposition of Paul's declaration of independence to Christendom.
Apr 22, 2012
The Spiritual Laws of the Harvest
Last Days Survival Guide
In these days of global terrorism, natural disasters and political instability the question that seems to be on everyone's mind is "When will the world end?" The doomsday prophets are shouting louder now more than ever, heralding that Armageddon is just around the corner. Before we get caught up in headline hysteria we need to turn to the Bible and see what God says will happen in the future. This series is an deep study of Matthew 24-25, known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus' prophetic sermon on the end-times and His second coming. These messages will give you a clear understanding of Biblical prophecy so that you are not left behind.
Apr 15, 2012
Signs of the Second Coming
Galatians: Called to Freedom
The Gospel is a message of liberty and freedom in Christ. Not only has Christ freed us from the bondage of sin, but also the shackles of man-made religion. This study is a verse-by-verse exposition of Paul's declaration of independence to Christendom.
Apr 15, 2012
No Man Left Behind
Easter 2012
Special messages that celebrate the agony of the Cross and the victory of the empty tomb.
Apr 08, 2012
The Not-So-Empty Tomb
Apr 01, 2012
The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood
Galatians: Called to Freedom
The Gospel is a message of liberty and freedom in Christ. Not only has Christ freed us from the bondage of sin, but also the shackles of man-made religion. This study is a verse-by-verse exposition of Paul's declaration of independence to Christendom.
Apr 01, 2012
The War Within
Mar 25, 2012