Liberty Baptist Church



Revelation: Return of the King
Revelation: Return of the King

A verse-by-verse study of Revelation. 

Half-Hearted: The Message of Malachi
Half-Hearted: The Message of Malachi

The book of Malachi is significant because not only is it the last in the Old Testament cannon, but its message was declared to a people whose approach to God was half-hearted. If you have fallen into this rut and your worship of God has grown stale then Malachi will challenge you.    

Habakkuk: When God Seems Unfair
Habakkuk: When God Seems Unfair

Habakkuk contains just 56 verses. Though he is a “minor” prophet, there is nothing minor about his message. He deals with a complex issue that gets down to the very bedrock of our faith, namely, what do we do when heaven’s answers to don’t make sense from earth’s perspective.