Liberty Baptist Church



Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Will God Impeach America?
Will God Impeach America?

A special message preached over the July 4th weekend of 2017. 

Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Father's Day 2017

A special challenge to fathers. 

Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now

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