Liberty Baptist Church



Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Solar Eclipse 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017

On August 21, 2017, a solar eclipse was visible throughout the continental United States. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the Sun’s rays.  In Luke 21:10-11, Jesus spoke of “great signs from heaven” that would act as harbingers of His Second Coming. God has used the darkening of the sun as a means of communicating to humanity before. The question we must consider is this— could the eclipse be a supernatural sign or is it merely a scientific spectacle? In order to answer that question, we need think biblically.    

Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

Kingdom Now
Kingdom Now
Building and Battling: Nehemiah
Building and Battling: Nehemiah

Nehemiah's story is one of restoration and revival. His job was one of building and battling. He was a man of prayer and perseverance. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah erected the walls around Jerusalem in the face of incredible opposition. 

A Fool
A Fool's Cross

The world may downplay the cross or even despise the cross, but one things is for sure they cannot deny it. In 1 Cor. 1:18-25, Paul spoke about the paradox of the cross and how it is viewed by the world as foolish, but by the church as precious.

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